Friday, October 22, 2010

Feet stuck in the Russian spring time mud

This is a tough book to get through. I’m on page 352. 131 more pages to the end. I have no doubt that I’ll finish it. I WANT to finish it this weekend, but I can’t remember the last time I read more than 100 pages in a weekend. We don’t have anything planned for the weekend so the possibility of finishing is well…a real possibility.

I have to admit, I’ll be happy to finish this book. I don’t think I started off this project with a good book. It's been a real challenge.

I was talking with Mirela (mom) earlier today about reading another book (Ian Frazier’s Travels In Siberia) and how it took a bit of time for me to get used to the way he wrote (just the first couple of chapters). I think it was due to me being so immersed in a different type or maybe style of writing. The translation by Maude of Resurrection is worded in what I can only describe as a more “classical” language (I’m pretty sure that’s not even the correct way of describing it) and the short stories that I have been reading from the 1980s in The Best American Short Stories is also worded differently…sure, it’s not classical…but I feel that there is a difference in writing.

Tolstoy hasn’t exactly pulled me through this novel either. I am finally to the point where Nekhlyudov is preparing to go to Siberia with Maslova. The portion of the novel that held my leg was when Nekhlyudov was in St. Petersburg visiting various individuals attempting to secure the pardon of Maslova and several other convicts that he agreed to assist. Tolstoy reaaaaalllly stretches this portion out. Thinking of this, perhaps there was an effort by Tolstoy to make this portion of the novel difficult in order to really drive home to the reader the difficulties of Nekhlyudov’s task. The layers of bureaucracy and uncaring “officials” shuffling Nekhlyudov from one person to the next.

So – as I close in on the final 100 pages of this novel, I start to think about the next book I would like to read.

I have created a spreadsheet of the authors in my collection that I have chosen to include in this project and would hope to add to this collection as time goes on.

Link to the Google docs here.

I think I would like to start a book with that has a collection of short stories. I seem to be able to digest those a bit easier now and in the near future due to what will be my/our new life.

Finally, another WTFED

“Nothing is softer or more yielding than water, yet nothing can beat it for strength. The weak defeats the strong, tenderness defeats cruelty, humility defeats pride. Everyone knows this law but nobody follows it.”

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Please Forgive Me

The next chapter that catches my attention is XLVIII where we find Nekhlyudov seeking forgiveness and a new life with Maslova.

To ask for forgiveness, to receive forgiveness and to feel that you should be forgiven are really is a fascinating set of mental processes.

I think I have a gene deep within my DNA that causes me to feel quite a bit of guilt concerning most situations where this feeling could arise. I’m pretty positive that I picked this up from my mother. From what I understand from her, it seems that she grew up in a house where she was made to feel guilty about things most of the time. The funny thing is, I do not feel that I was raised in a similar way – which leads to my thought that I have a guilt gene.

Now, I am pretty sure that if I decided to place myself into some sort of therapy sessions for an extended period of time, the analyst would be able to narrow down a reason why I live my life they way I do.

I live it the way I live it, and I suspect that I’ll continue down this path without much deviation. I’m almost 40, and with this age comes a personality and character traits that are pretty set.

How about a little WTFED

The joy of a wise and kind person lies in his conscience, not on the lips of others.

Lovely… how fitting that the particular wise thought I am quoting above appeared within the last week of the book.

I live everyday with a guilty conscience…but I do not think that my conscience provides me with joy even though I regard myself as a kind person. An about the wise part.

Well, that’s debatable.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tolstoy and the Church

It’s easy to see by the time stamp that I haven’t written in quite some time.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading. I have been making decent progress in the novel...not with the speed that I had started out with, but progress nonetheless.

M and I have been getting ready for the baby, and it seems that the “free time” I had in the past has been taken up with the preparations. I have no problem with this. We will all be making adjustments in our lives to welcome the little guy and those adjustments will trickle down to the smallest things like reading time.

So, the next place I have marker to discuss here is pictured below. Chapter 39. If you look closely, there is a small asterisk next to the last word in the first sentence of the chapter. If we flip back to the notes section, the note for this section reads:

The following description of the liturgy has become along with “Natasha at the opera” in War and Peace, a locus classicus used to illustrate Tolstoy’s technique of “defamiliarazation”. It was especially offensive to the pious and the clergy and contributed to the eventual decision to excommunicate him. Within the novel it should be contrasted with the earlier Easter Celebration which presents the liturgical event from the eyes of the faithful. Here Tolstoy’s estranged view helps stress the oppressive aspects of prison life and Maslova’s loss of faith.

An in the shot below, you will see the article discussing the excommunication which was covered by the New York Times in March of 1901. If you click on the photo, you should be able to get a better shot.

And below is an article detailing how even after 100 years, the Russian Orthodox Church would not bring him back into the fold.

"100 Years After Excommunication, Church Cannot Look Kindly Upon Tolstoy"

Russian Orthodox hierarchy rejects request of writer's great-great-grandson.

Andrei Zolotov | posted 3/01/2001 12:00AM

A hundred years after it excommunicated Leo Tolstoy, the Russian Orthodox Church has ignored a plea by his great-great-grandson, Vladimir Tolstoy, to reconsider the writings and reflections of the famous novelist.

Vladimir Tolstoy, director of Leo Tolstoy's Yasnaya Polyana estate museum, told ENI this week that he had written to the church's leader, Patriarch Alexei, in January asking him to review Tolstoy's teaching—the reason for his rejection by the church—on the grounds that the excommunication was a hindrance to national reconciliation.

He told ENI the media had misinterpreted his letter as a plea to lift the excommunication. "I was simply inviting the church to hold a dialogue on this painful subject," Tolstoy said in an interview. "In my letter, there was no request to lift the excommunication or to forgive Tolstoy."

In his letter to the patriarch, the writer's descendant stated that the decision on February 22, 1901, by the Russian Orthodox Church synod to excommunicate Tolstoy had had a "painful effect on all the following course of Russia's history."

The church's act had forced "every Russian Christian" to make a difficult "moral choice." "An Orthodox Christian cannot reject God, but it is also difficult to reject the national genius and prophet, who to this day constitutes the pride and glory of our national culture," Vladimir Tolstoy wrote…

In the late 1870s, after completing the two novels, Tolstoy underwent a profound spiritual crisis and began a search for the meaning of life. He found little solace in the writings of philosophers, theologians and scientists, but, as he declares in A Confession, published in 1884, he found insights in the daily life of Russian peasants who told him that everyone must serve God rather than living for themselves.

He emerged from his spiritual crisis as what some have described as a Christian anarchist, attached to the Gospel, but without any belief in immortality and seeing Christ as simply a man. At the same time, Tolstoy rejected the authority of the church and the government.

Tolstoy then gathered a big following as he dedicated most of the second part of his life to writing essays, pamphlets, didactic short stories and plays. His novel Resurrection, published in 1899, includes strong criticism of church ritual. Apparently this was one of the reasons for his excommunication. Tolstoy's views influenced European humanists and India's champion of peace, Mahatma Gandhi.

At a press conference on March 4, Patriarch Alexei acknowledged Tolstoy as "a literary genius," but said that the writer's religious views were a different matter. "I do not think we have the right to force a man, who died [almost] 100 years ago, to return to the bosom of the church that he rejected," the patriarch said.

Vsevolod Chaplin, a senior Moscow Patriarchate official, told ENI. "I think everyone in our country, including believers, have respect for Tolstoy as a writer. When he expressed views that contradict its teaching and its spirit, the church, naturally, had the right to say that such views could not be considered Orthodox."

Father Chaplin pointed out that after the 1901 excommunication Tolstoy did not publicly repent for his views. Although there were various stories about the writer receiving absolution and communion before his death, there was strong indication that he had not, Chaplin said.

A review of Tolstoy's reflections and teaching "would make sense only if some proof were discovered that Tolstoy changed his views before his death," Father Chaplin said. "Otherwise, it makes no sense whatsoever." He added that excommunication was "not a curse, as some people think, but an attestation that the writer's beliefs very seriously disagreed with the Orthodox teaching."

Vladimir Tolstoy told ENI that "they [church officials] are trying to avoid the subject. But I received many letters and telephone calls. That reassured me that there is a lot to discuss here."

So, after 100 years, a bunch of old guys sitting in the church feel that an author such as Tolstoy, who wrote a series of essays and books which could have cast an ill-eye towards the Orthodox Christina Church, should not be accepted back into the community of Russian Orthodoxy.


Well, I think that Tolstoy wouldn’t have trouble with that decision at all. In fact, I feel that if Tolstoy were to be magically transplanted into our time with all the knowledge that we now have (specifically in the fields of certain sciences…physics…cosmology etc.) his personal beliefs would be sharper and I doubt that he would feel the need to be welcomed back into the church.